Legal notice

Propriété intellectuelle et Droits de reproduction

This entire site is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved to the rights holder who owns the site mentioned below:

Karen Swami
Publishing Direction : Karen Swami
6 rue Victor Schoelcher – 75014 PARIS
Métro Raspail ou Denfert Rochereau
Tél. : +33 (0)6 86 30 99 25
E-mail :

Karen Swami works as a ceramic artist
N° SIRET : 49967830800044 (affiliée à la Maison des Artistes)
9003A - Artistic creation relating to the plastic arts

The site uses the free WordPress software
Site developed and original graphic theme adapted by Déclic Web.
Images credits : Karen Swami

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3 avenue René Laënnec – 72000 Le Mans
SIREN : 500 518 543